Professortiltrædelsesforelæsning Mathias Stolpe

Den 1. februar 2019 blev Mathias Stolpe udnævnt til professor i Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization within Wind Energy ved DTU Vindenergi. I den anledning inviterer vi til tiltrædelsesforelæsning med titlen: Models and Methods for Structural Optimization in Wind Energy

Det foregår fredag den 6. september kl. 15.00 på DTU i Lyngby, bygning 101A, mødelokale 1, Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Lyngby.

Der inviteres til reception efter tiltrædelsesforelæsningen.

Med venlig hilsen

Peter Hauge Madsen
DTU Vindenergi

Tilmelding er nødvendigt pr email til Camilla Schwartzbach

Om tiltrædelsesforelæsningen:
Structural optimization is a collection of mathematical models and computational methods for finding the best load carrying structures. The techniques are becoming increasingly more important and popular in design processes for wind energy applications to achieve goals on e.g. cost or mass reductions.

DTU Wind Energy has recently conducted several research and innovation projects in the area of structural and multidisciplinary optimization. Some of these focus on optimal structural design of offshore support structures such as monopiles and jackets. These, and other, applications are multidisciplinary and require development of new mathematical models and numerical optimization techniques to be capable of solving problems of industrial relevance.

The lecture gives examples from these recent research projects on structural optimization at DTU Wind Energy and additionally outlines possible future research and innovation challenges in the field.


fre 06 sep 19
15:00 - 17:00



DTU Lyngby Campus
Anker Engelunds Vej 1, byg. 101A, mødelokale 1
2800 Lyngby