
Birte Holst Jørgensen

Senior Researcher

Birte Holst Jørgensen

Department of Wind and Energy Systems

DTU Wind Energy Systems Division (WES),

Frederiksborgvej 399

Building 115 Room S40

4000 Roskilde




Energy science and technology policy energy transition scientific advice in sustainable energy

Dr. Birte Holst Jørgensen is a Senior Researcher at DTU Wind Energy, where she is responsible for coordinating global scientific advice and research-based consultancy. She is an acknowledged expert in energy R&D strategies and technology policies. She is a leading member of several committees and research programmes, a.o. IEA Expert Group on R&D Priority-setting and Evaluation (chair), Governing Board of Joint Programme Initiative of Urban Europe, Executive Committee of the European Climate Research Alliance and the Stakeholder Forum of the national transmission system operator Energinet. She is also the Principal Coordinator of Sustainable Energy of the Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research. Previous work experiences include the position as director of Nordic Energy Research, positions at private and public consultancy companies as well as a 3-years assignment at the Technical University of Ecuador. Dr. Jørgensen holds a MSc in Business Economics and Administration (Copenhagen Business School) and a PhD in Political Sciences (Copenhagen University).