Drug Delivery Systems Engineering - Study line

Candidates taking the Drug Delivery Systems Engineering line will focus on knowledge for solving drug delivery technology challenges in pharmaceutical companies. Students will work with approaches such as immunotherapy, vaccine technology, protein chemistry and drug formulation. They will have special understanding of the design of drug delivery systems as well as the biological interactions that occur when medication is given to humans. As the education is an engineering training, the courses will be based on quantitative understanding of transport and drug release processes. Candidates will also have a strong understanding of the preclinical development of drug formulations.


  • Select suitable materials for formulating drug substances based on physicochemical understanding of molecular properties and biocompatibility.
  • measure and describe molecular interactions between drugs and formulations, as well as the interaction of drugs and formulations with biomolecules, cells and tissues
  • measure and predict drug diffusion in formulation materials and in biological tissues
  • utilize advanced imaging methods to investigate drug delivery systems' biodistribution and pharmacokinetics
  • characterize ADME parameters for a drug substance
  • utilize statistical methods in experimental planning and evaluation of the effect and behaviour of a drug
  • select appropriate preclinical animal models to investigate a drug