DTU professor receives prestigious EU grant

Professor Alexander Kai Büll is one of this year’s recipients of the European Research Council's Consolidator Grant 2023.

Alexander Kai Büll
Professor Alexander Kai Büll in the laboratory. Photo: Bax Lindhardt

The European Research Council (ERC) supports world-class research. The grants are awarded to excellent researchers at different career stages and will be used to build a team around an original and ground-breaking research idea. ERC has existed since 2007 and 10 DTU researchers have in the period 2021-2022 received a total of DKK 161 million in ERC grants.

ERC Consolidator Grants

is for researchers in the middle of their career, i.e. researchers whose PhD degree is between 7 and 12 years old. The individual researcher gets a maximum of 2 million Euro over five years as a starting point.


Alexander Kai Büll

Alexander Kai Büll Professor Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine Phone: +45 45254061