NTNU Gløshaugen Campus, Trondheim, Norway. Photo: Erik Børseth, Synlig design og foto as/NTNU info.

Nordic summit on universities for impact

The strategic alliance of the five leading technical universities in the Nordic countries—also known as the Nordic Five Tech—are celebrating their 10th anniversary of collaboration with a high level summit to establish a unique networking arena for key actors in the Nordic Innovation eco-systems.

The summit "Nordic Summit on Universities for Impact" not only brings together the partners in Nordic Five Tech but also invited stakeholders from industry, governments, research and innovation environments.

Key note speaker from DTU
DTU's Executive Vice President for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Marianne Thellersen, was one of the summit's two opening speakers:

"The universities’ role and contribution to society is high on the political agenda. Governments have high expectations and trust that the universities can play a key role in innovating and transforming societies. At the same time, governments question the actual return on investment in research compared to the need to support the health care sector or infrastructure projects. Such a comparison is of course difficult, so the aim of this summit is to develop a common understanding of how universities create societal impact, and to discuss how to turn this understanding into input for policies and strategies.”

The summit includes workshops and presentations of select cases. These cases have been chosen to show the broad spectrum of ways in which the Nordic Five Tech universities collaborate and co-create with industry, public sectors, students, and other stakeholders.

Nordic Five Tech (N5T)

Nordic Five Tech is a strategic alliance between the five leading technical universities in the Nordic region:

The main focus of the alliance is to utilize shared strengths and create synergy in education, research, and innovation. The alliance cooperates on seven master's programmes and PhD programmes.

Learn more about Nordic Five Tech on www.nordicfivetech.org