Hans Nørgaard Hansen. Photo: Joachim Rode.
Hans Nørgaard Hansen. Photo: Joachim Rode

DTU appoints new Head of Department of DTU Mechanical Engineering

From 1 May 2016, the current Deputy Head of DTU Mechanical Engineering, Hans Nørgaard Hansen, will become the new Head of Department.

With effect from 1 May 2016, DTU has appointed Professor Hans Nørgaard Hansen new Head of Department of DTU Mechanical Engineering. He replaces Professor Henrik Carlsen, who is retiring.

Hans Nørgaard Hansen is a mechanical engineering graduate from the engineering college Ingeniørhøjskolen Sønderborg Teknikum. He has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from DTU, and holds a Graduate Diploma in Organization and Management.

Serving as Deputy Head of DTU Mechanical Engineering for the past three years, Hans Nørgaard Hansen is well known at DTU Mechanical Engineering.

After graduating, he worked for four years as a management consultant at PA Consulting Group before he came to DTU in 2002 as a professor in micro manufacturing, focusing on industrial production of extremely small mechanical components of metal, plastic, and ceramics. Since 2005, he has served as head of section for the department's Section of Manufacturing Engineering.
According to DTU's President, Anders Bjarklev, Hans Nørgaard Hansen is the obvious choice:

“Hans Nørgaard Hansen has an impressively high academic level within his specialist areas, and he is internationally recognized for his research. In addition, he is a very competent manager, so we have every reason to expect that he will leverage the full potential of the department,” says Anders Bjarklev.

Hans Nørgaard Hansen is 49 years old, married and has two sons.