
Gitte Ravn-Haren

Senior Researcher

Gitte Ravn-Haren

DTU National Food Institute

Research Group for Risk-Benefit

Henrik Dams Allé

Building 201 Room 104

2800 Kgs. Lyngby




Gitte Ravn-Haren


My research is focused on bioactive compounds in food and their beneficial effects on human health. The goal is to get a better understanding of how dietary and genetic factors interact and relate to biological responses and the risk of developing chronic diseases. Effect biomarkers include biomarkers of oxidative stress and defence as well as common risk factors of cardiovascular disease. These are applied in human dietary intervention studies and biobank-based cohort studies, as well as experimental animal models. Former research projects focused on genetic differences affecting antioxidant defense or inflammation and their interaction with diet to alter biomarkers for early effects. Dietary factors included fruits and vegetables and selenium. Other research projects focused on genetics of vitamin D response, and on interactions between alcohol and genetics and risk of breast cancer. Current research projects aim at increasing food literacy among school children by combining nutrition and technology, and on investigating the effects of the Danish iodine fortification programme on thyroid health and eliminating iodine deficiency and preventable iodine-related disorders in Europe through increasing awareness.  I also advise the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration on upper safe levels of vitamins and minerals in food supplements and fortified foods, and on safety of botanicals used in food supplements. Finally, I am member of the DanThyr steering group (the Danish investigation of iodine intake and thyroid diseases).