
Jason Li-Ying

Professor, Head of Research and Group Leader of Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship

Jason Li-Ying

Centre for Technology Entrepreneurship


Building 371 Room 227

2800 Kgs. Lyngby





Big Science Innovation Management International technology transfer ESS Strategic Innovation Business Development

Jason Li-Ying  has research and teaching interests in technology & innovation management, innovation and organizational learning, strategic management, and technology transfer. Jason has published more than 20 academic articles in internaitional peer-reviewed journals. He also has an excellent track record in teaching, coaching, and supervising EMBA students and teaching courses at Master and PhD level program in product design innovation, innovation management, and business strategy at Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Jason is also visiting professor at University of Management and Economics (ISM) in Lithuania, a faculty member of the DTU Executive School of Business, and a faculty member for the 'Eurotech Universities' with respect to the Innovation Economics PhD program. Besides his excellence in research and education, Jason also has extensive experience in innovation strategy and business development for SMEs by acting as strategic advisors for a number of innovative companies. He is currently working closely with European Spallation Sources (ESS) and other Danish stakeholders to research the management of innovation and entrepreneurship activities. His recent running research projects focus on (1) the relationship between technology searching (through licensing) and innovation; (3) Product design and business model innovation for SMEs; (4)  innovaiton and entrepreneurship related to Big Science factilities.  Jason is a frequent ad hoc reviewer for the following journals: ·         R&D Management ·         Research Policy ·         Journal of Product Innovation Management ·         International Journal of Technology Management ·         International Business Review ·         Long Range Planning ·         Technovation ·         Asian Business and Management ·         European Management Journal ·         Technology Forecasting and Social Change ·         International Journal of Human Resource Management ·         Health Policy