SLAS - 2nd Nordic Chemical Biology Meeting

The Nordic Chemical Biology Network and the Scientific Organizing Committee invites you to participate in the 2nd Nordic Chemical Biology Meeting.

University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 2, Auditorium 4, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark

Registration and abstract submission is open
Deadline for posters: May 1 - Early bird registration: May 15.

Conference fee 
Academic early bird: 160 €  - Student: 50 €  -  Full: 490 €
Including lunch on both conference days and informal dinner on Tuesday evening

Conference themes
1.  Quality/analysis of libraries prior to screening
2.  Open innovation initiatives
3.  Chemoproteomics
4.  Cancer immunotherapy
5.  Antimicrobial resistance and infectious disease

Read more and see list of the speakers!

SLAS, The Nordic Chemical Biology Network and the Scientific Organizing Committee:
Mads H. Clausen (chair) - Christian Adam Olsen (co-chair)  - Thomas Lundbäck - Phil Gribbon
Per-Anders Enquist - Anna-Lena Gustafsson - Jeanette Hammer Andersen - Krister Wennerberg

Kem-En-Tec Nordic, Carl Zeiss A/S, ChemBridge, Danish Chemical Society, Drug Research Academy, and DTU.


tir 06 jun 17 8:00 -
ons 07 jun 17 18:00


DTU Kemi


University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 2, Auditorium 4, Copenhagen Ø, Denmark