Technical University of Denmark

Opening of the IoT Center

Join us for the launch of the new IoT Center at DTU.

You are invited to the IoT Center kick-off, Dec. 12th, 2 pm, DTU, building 101, meeting room S01. The participation is free or charge, but we ask you to register via this page.

Billions of smart digital systems are connected to each other and to the internet, forming a vast Internet of Things (IoT). IoT can provide solutions to societal challenges faced by Denmark and the world. We are a group of researchers at DTU interested in research on IoT technologies and facilitating collaboration among researchers and practitioners in Denmark. We are launching a research center at DTU, which will be a community open to all interested organizations in Denmark.

Program (abstracts and bios at the end)

  • Welcome by Paul Pop, Professor, DTU Compute
  • Opening of the IoT Center, Katrine Krogh Andersen, Dean of Research, DTU
  • IoT, Fog Computing and Applications, Flavio Bonomi, CEO of Nebbiolo Technologies, Sillicon Valley, USA; former Cisco Fellow, VP, Head of Advanced Architecture and Research.
  • Confederation of Danish Industry's (DI) vision of IoT, Henrik Valentin Jensen, Senior Adviser at DI Digital, the Danish ICT and Electronics Federation, under the Confederation of Danish Industry
  • Networking, posters, refreshments

Companies: You are welcome to join our center, and bring a poster to the kick-off; this will give you exposure to students and researchers. If you cannot participate, but you’d like to keep in touch, please send us your feedback and contact information.

Researchers: the center will facilitate networking, access to relevant industry contacts, increased visibility.

Contact: Prof. Paul Pop Center Director,

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IoT, Fog Computing and Applications. Speaker: Flavio Bonomi

Abstract: The success of the Internet of Things will be predicated, to a large extent, on the evolution and deployment of a horizontal networking, computing, storage and services platform, supporting and enabling multiple vertical applications and use cases. Key elements of this platform will be a widely distributed and networked computing and storage resources, manifesting as Cloud, Fog, and Endpoint resources.

Fog Computing extends the Cloud Computing paradigm to the edge of the network, thus enabling a new breed of applications and services. It will also provide rich and real-time capable networking, computing and storage resources, complementing both the Cloud and the embedded Endpoints in functionality dimensions such as network virtualization, authentication, security and privacy, storage, data management and analytics, application support, and control.

The ultimate applications, solving useful use cases for various verticals, will be distributed, and use resources across the path between Endpoints and Clouds, and will often share the common underlying infrastructure.

This distribution of resources will enable the optimization of where certain functions will be performed, and this task distribution will depend on the physical, cost, energy, latency, reliability constraints characterizing each end to end application.

In this keynote we will also discuss progress and use cases in various IoT verticals, including Industrial Automation, Transportation, and Energy.

Speaker’s bio: Flavio Bonomi is a co-founder and the CEO of Nebbiolo Technologies, a young Silicon Valley startup, focused on manifesting the potential of Fog Computing, with first application in the Industrial Automation vertical.

Flavio Bonomi was also the founder and the Chief Technology Officer at IoXWorks, Inc., which was engaged in the launch of new activities in the domain of the Internet of Things, involving consulting and advisory roles with a number of large corporations and startups, as well as the incubation of new startups.

Previously, Flavio was a Cisco Fellow, Vice President, and the Head of the Advanced Architecture and Research Organization at Cisco Systems, in San Jose, California.

He was co-leading the vision and technology direction for Cisco’s Internet of Things initiative. This broad, Cisco-wide initiative encompasses major verticals, including Energy, Connected Vehicle and Transportation, and Connected Cities. In this role, with the support of his team, he shaped a number of research and innovation efforts relating to mobility, security, communications acceleration, fog computing and data management.

Before joining Cisco in 1999, Flavio Bonomi was at AT&T Bell Labs from 1985 and 1995, with architecture and research responsibilities, mostly relating to the evolution of the ATM technology, and then was Principal Architect at two Silicon Valley startups, ZeitNet and Stratum One.

He received an Electrical Engineering degree from Pavia University in Italy, and the Masters and PhD in Electrical Engineering degrees in 1981 and 1985, respectively, from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

DI’s syn på IoT 

Den industrielle forretningsmodel er udfordret. Speaker: Henrik Valentin Jensen

Abstract: IoT kan sætte varige ændringer i måden at drive forretning på. Den industrielle forretningsmodel er udfordret og taber terræn til den digitale forretningsmodel. Baggrunden skal søges i teknologiernes grundlæggende økonomiske egenskaber, der vender op og ned det vi kender som det normale. IoT er business unusual. 

Alle har principielt noget at vinde ved IoT, men fordelingen af den skabte værdi mellem aktørerne, bliver ikke den samme som hidtil. Der bliver vindere og tabere. Skiftet og applikering af ny teknologi betyder, at de konkurrencefordele man hidtil har kunne udnytte, får mindre betydning og at nye bliver afgørende. Teknologien betyder at tærsklen for at gå ind på et nyt marked er sænket. For med nettets gennem-trængende kraft kan man tilbyde og sælge sine løsninger på tværs af brancher og på parametre som fleksibilitet, time-to-market og udviklingsomkostninger er den digitale model også langt stærkere. 

Speaker’s bio: Henrik Valentin Jensen er chefkonsulent i DI Digital. Henrik leder DI Digitals netværk for IoT mellem DI, DTU og DI-medlemmer. Han leder desuden Task Force for digitale læremidler og har ansvar for DI Digitals forsknings- og uddannelsespolitik. Henrik har beskæftiget sig med embedded systemer som projektleder for ITOS, et virksomheds-universitetsprojekt om udvikling af smarte produkter. Henrik har erfaring med digitalisering, forsknings- og innovationspolitik, uddannelsespolitik og internationalt samarbejde bl.a. som projektleder i Nordic Innovation Center og som nordisk ekspert i OECD. Henrik er cand. merc. fra CBS.


man 12 dec 16


DTU Compute



DTU, building 101, meeting room S01