PhD Defence by Christian Lundgaard "Topology optimization for multiphysics problems: thermoelectric energy conversion and fluid-structure-interaction"

The aim of this thesis is to develop topology optimization methodologies for two different multiphysical problems: Thermoelectric energy conversion and fluid-structure-interaction. The thesis is divided into four chapters: The motivation of the study, the relevant literature and a general introduction to the concept of topology optimization are layout in Chapter 1.

To develop a topology optimization framework is an iterative process where a considerable amount of challenges are faced. With a point of departure in my own PhD project, recommendations to overcome these challenges are discussed in Chapter 2. The chapter can be skipped without loosing the meaning of the remaining part of the thesis.

Chapter 3 and 4 are built up equivalently, can be read independently and are concerned with topology optimization for thermoelectric energy conversion and fluid-structure-interaction problems, respectively. The chapters begin with an introduction to the Multiphysics concepts where important model parameters are identified, relevant literature is reviewed and the governing partial differential equations are stated. The chapters are concluded with suggestions to future research and a bread overview of the most important findings of the journal papers which have been submitted as part of the thesis.

Professor, Dr. Techn. Ole Sigmund, DTU Mechanical Engineering

Boyan S. Lazarov, DTU Mechanical Engineering (now Senior Lecturer, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Senior Researcher Kurt Engelbrecht, DTU Energy

Associate Professor Niels Aage, DTU Mechanical Engineering
Professor Erik Lund, Dept. of Materials and Production, Aalborg University
Professor Dr. Gerhard Wachutka, Technical University Munich, Germany

Professor Jakob Søndergaard Jensen, DTU Mechanical Engineering


tir 21 aug 18
13:00 - 17:00



Building 421, Auditorium 071
Technical University of Denmark