Photo: DTU

Five young DTU researchers boosted by funding from the Danish Council for Independent Research

Five talented DTU researchers receive funding for their research projects from the Danish Council for Independent Research.

Synthetic natural gas, drug delivery, and cancer immunotherapy are among the research topics which the Danish Council for Independent Research is supporting by awarding each of the five DTU researchers around DKK 500,000 under the Sapere Aude research talent programme.

Read more about the projects and the researchers below:

1. New drug delivery systems

Development of new membrane-based delivery systems for efficient and specific delivery of chemotherapeutic substances to cancer cells.  Recipient is Postdoc and PhD Jannik Bruun Larsen from DTU Nanotech.

2. Synthetic natural gas

Production of synthetic natural gas by means of encapsulated nanoparticles. Recipient is Postdoc and PhD Jerrik J. Mielby from DTU Chemistry

3. Cancer immunotherapy

Formulation of a safe and effective immunotherapeutic cancer treatment by means of gene and protein data analysis.Recipient is Assistant Professor and PhD Lars Rønn Olsen from DTU Systems Biology

4. Measurement of nanoscale electronic circuit

Development of a method to carry out contactless nanoscale measurement of conductivity.Recipient is Postdoc and PhD Pernille Klarskov Pedersen from DTU Fotonik

5. Green control of overgrowing of surfaces in biological environmentsThe purpose of the project is to produce surface treatments which can withstand the attachment of biomolecules in a marine environment, and to develop sensors which can measure complex biological fluids without the impairment of functionality through the sensor becoming overgrown. Recipient is Postdoc and PhD Roberto Ortiz from DTU Chemistry.