Artificial intelligence

Accurate detection of disease-causing bacteria

Campylobacter bacteria are responsible for thousands of stomach infections every year. Artificial intelligence can find the main sources of infection.

Electron microscope image of a campylobacter bacteria. Credit: De Wood, Pooley, USDA, ARS, EMU., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Campylobacter bacteria are the leading cause of foodborne illness in Denmark. Photo: De Wood, Pooley, USDA, ARS, EMU., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Artificial intelligence is developing at an incredibly fast pace. The potential is enormous and it's hard to see where it will end.

Artificial intelligence is based on maths and logic. We know the work processes, but we don't always know how the AI arrives at a particular solution. Therefore, as researchers and society, we must make demands on the use of the technology, both in legislation and morally.

At DTU, we have a special focus on the ethical aspect of future AI solutions.

Read more in our topic about artificial intelligence.