27 young, talented researchers receive DKK 80 million from the Independent Research Fund Denmark under the Inge Lehmann programme. The researcher talent programme Inge Lehmann aims to strengthen talent development in Danish research and promote a more equal gender balance in research environments, especially at the career stages where inequality typically occurs. The programme allows young researchers to immerse themselves in their own greatest research ideas.
The four grant recipients from DTU
- Assistant Professor Anna Hammerich Thysen, DTU Bioengineering, receives the grant for the project ”Brain border type 2 immune cells in the cognitive complications of allergic asthma”.
- Associate Professor Eva Rotenberg, DTU Compute, receives the grant for the project ”Algorithms for String Indexing”.
- Researcher Sara Shafiee, DTU Construct, receives the grant for the project ”RECODE: Revolutionizing Engineer-To-Order Companies through Deep Learning and Advanced Recommendation Systems for Optimal Product Design”.
- Researcher Sofie Theresa Thomsen, DTU National Food Institute, receives the grant for the project ”BurdenX: Development of a Bayesian approach to estimate the unknown health impact of environmental chemicals”.
Read more about the DFF Inge Lehmann programme.