New research project will ensure a green and safe digital future

A new Danish research collaboration between DTU, Aarhus University, 18 companies, two research- and technology organisations (GTS institutes), and two trade associations receive DKK 40 million from Innovation Fund Denmark to ensure a green and safe digital future.

Technical University of Denmark, Building 101

The project’s official title is ”Innovative Solutions for next generation of Green COMmunications infrastructures” and has a duration of three years and a budget of DKK 54 million.


The project is a collaboration between 24 partners consisting of universities, major companies, trade associations, and start-up companies.


DTU and Aarhus University


Accelink Denmark A/S,, Bifrost Communications ApS, Chocolate Cloud ApS, Comcores ApS, Danish Optical Fiber Innovation, Develco Products A/S, KMD A/S, NKT Photonics A/S, OFS Fitel Denmark ApS, Rejoose ApS, Sky-Watch A/S, Space Inventor ApS, Sparrow Quantum ApS, SPIO Systems ApS, STACK Infrastructure, TimeLens ApS and Zeuxion ApS

Research- and technology organisations (GTS institutes):

Alexandra Instituttet and FORCE Technology

Trade associations:

IT-Branchen and DI Digital


Leif Katsuo Oxenløwe

Leif Katsuo Oxenløwe Group Leader, Professor Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering Phone: +45 45253784

Niels-Kristian Hersoug

Niels-Kristian Hersoug Senior Project Manager Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering Mobile: +45 40607068