
Quantum-proof encryption to protect against attacks

A new encryption type is currently being developed to make our current IT systems resistant against attacks from the quantum computers of the future. The first international standard is in the pipeline.

 Tema om forsvars- og sikkerhedsteknologi  Udvikling af teknologi, der kan styrke sikkerheden i samfundet, har stor politisk opmærksomhed. Det gælder både inden for avancerede computer- eller rumteknologier til overvågning, og det gælder udviklingen af kryptering til at beskytte kommunikation, personfølsomme data og forsyningssystemer i samfundet mod hackerangreb.   Læs DTU’s tema om forsvars- og sikkerhedsteknologi.
Quantum computer, Espoo, Finland


Denmark is at the forefront when it comes to the use of technology and digital solutions. This brings about great opportunities – but also makes Denmark an obvious target for IT crime. Consequently, there is a great need for research and training in cyber security to ensure that technology continues to create value for people.

Read more in DTU's cyber security topic.


Christian Majenz

Christian Majenz Associate Professor Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science