In the project “Adaptation of T cell immunity in viral infection and vaccination”, Sunil Kumar Saini will investigate how T-cell immunity shapes our immune response when we are exposed to new infections and identify the factors that dictate T-cell response against viral infections and when we are vaccinated. The fundamental knowledge gained about our immune system will be essential for developing new and improved therapies against cancer, infections, and auto-immune diseases.
“My project involves trying to understand how our immune system impacts the course of disease when it encounters a new pathogen such as SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the project may have a huge impact on the ways we develop vaccines in the future, and for the development of new treatments to people with a poor immune system. Recognition of excellence in the form of the Sapere Aude grant will enable me to succeed in establishing a world-leading research team to study human immunology,” Sunil Kumar Saini says.
Read more about Sunil Kumar Saini’s research here.