
Are we on track for the 2030 target for passenger cars?

There are an ever-increasing number of cars on the roads, and we are driving more and more kilometres in them. This is not very consistent with the target to reduce our carbon emissions by 70 per cent by 2030. How do we meet this target? Professor Jeppe Rich from DTU Management answers this question.

  • Professor Jeppe Rich is head of the Transport Demand Modelling section of the Division for Transport at DTU Management.
  • The section models the transport needs of the future, assesses the effects of transport policy and investments in infrastructure, and advises authorities, traffic planners, et al.
  • A particular focus area in the section is the interaction between different modes of transport such as cycling, public transport, and private motoring, as well as newer modes of transport such as car-sharing and self-driving cars.


Jeppe Rich

Jeppe Rich Professor Department of Technology, Management and Economics Phone: +45 45251536