Results from the study start survey reveal that once again in 2014, the newly accepted students were highly satisfied with their early days at DTU.
During the weeks immediately following the autumn holidays, newly accepted students have the opportunity to evaluate the commencement of their studies in a special ‘study start survey’. The results show a generally high level of student satisfaction with how they were received into the study environment, and it is worth noting that they are delighted with the high academic level of DTU's study programmes.
The overwhelming majority of respondents stated that they were given an excellent reception at DTU, and the new BSc and BEng students are particularly pleased with all the work the PF Student Association and the ‘vectors’—the mentor students—put in to help them make the best possible start to their studies. Even more remarkable, however, is the new students’ evaluation of the academic level.
More than 93 per cent rate it ‘appropriate’ or ‘high’, which is how it should be. As one BSc student commented:
“High, but not too high. It’s good to find out that you mean it when you say we’re an elite university.”
However, a high academic level demands a great deal of the students themselves—a fact of which they are well aware. Around 70 per cent of respondents thus stated that they have made a ‘big’ or ‘very big’ academic effort.
“We are delighted with this feedback. We make high demands on our students, and the survey results indicate that most of them both recognize and want to live up to the high academic level. It is also pleasing to see how the PF Student Association and the vectors help make the start of the academic year at DTU a success,” says Martin Vigild, Senior Vice President and Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Student Affairs.
"The academic is high, and I see this as a challenge. I have therefore made a lot of progress in just a short time."
BEng student comment
“University is supposed to be challenging—and so it is!” Bachelor comment.
As a part of the Study Progress Reform, it has how been decided that the next intake of new students will not only be asked to complete the usual study start survey, but also to prepare a study plan and answer a number of questions relevant to their fields of study.
Article in DTUavisen no. 6, June 2015.