Building 324, DTU Compute. Photo: Stamers Kontor

Seven million from the Danish Industry Foundation to Big Data project

Cyber security

The Danish Industry Foundation supports the Big Data Business Academy project. The project is to try to identify the potential of Big Data through a collaboration between DTU, businesses, and the Danish GTS institutes.

By Karin Rauch and Lotte Krull 

Many companies will to a higher extent be able to exploit Big Data as a strategic tool for creating growth. In the new project Big Data Business Academy, selected businesses will use a targeted approach where they draw on students' knowledge of the latest Big Data solutions and tools, expert workshops with the participation of innovative companies and Big Data experts, as well as a supplementary training programme.

“One of DTU's fundamental pillars as an elite university is to support collaboration with the business community on the basis of world-class research and education. This project could enable us to further strengthen this goal, especially in the area of computer science, mathematics, and statistics—the key elements of Big Data. I am very much looking forward to seeing the results of the students' collaboration with the companies on Big Data, and to the supplementary training programme within Big Data, which our researchers are developing together with the companies,” says Rasmus Larsen, Head of Department at DTU Compute.

The Big Data Business Academy project is a collaboration between DTU, the GTS institutes, the CLEAN cleantech network, and the Danish Industry Foundation which has just decided to support the project with DKK 7 million.

“The ambition is to make working with Big Data tangible and user-friendly for the Danish business community, so that more people can exploit Big Data as a way to growth and increased competitiveness. The project will also boost the educational system to support the needs of Big Data competencies. The aim is to provide a large number of Danish companies with strategic awareness and hands-on Big Data experience, which will contribute positively to increasing sales and exports, innovation, and create jobs in Denmark,” says Mads Lebech, CEO of the Danish Industry Foundation.