DTU now has its own communication policy

DTU’s new communication policy provides answers to the questions, big and small, which arise when we communicate on behalf of DTU.

Which colours did you say are included in the colour palette? When is the deadline for the next issue of Dynamo? How can I make the press interested in my story? And what stories about our university do we actually want to communicate to the outside world?

Questions like these occur on a daily basis when the university’s 4,500 employees communicate on behalf of DTU. All employees can now find answers to these questions and many more in DTU’s new communication policy and guidelines. Provost Anders Bjarklev is very pleased with the new communication policy:

„You achieve much more when pulling in the same direction. That is precisely one of the objectives of the policy – to ensure that we are all pursuing the same goal, and that we have carefully considered which goal we are pursuing. Another objective is to facilitate the communication work for the individual employee. This work can give rise to many questions, but all DTU employees can now find instant answers by searching the Portal,“ says the provost, referring to the webpage portalen.dtu.dk/kommunikation, where the policy and all the guidelines are available.

Opinions, principles and guidelines

The communication policy consists of opinions and principles. In short, the opinions describe what DTU communicates to whom, whereas the principles describe how DTU communicates.

As a supplement to the policy, a number of guidelines have been prepared which more specifically describe how the opinions and principles of the policy can be used in the daily communication activities. Among other things, the guidelines describe the difference between a news story and a press release, how to structure an article for DTU Avisen and who is responsible for communication at the different departments. As with DTU’s other policies, the communication policy has been approved by the management and is intended to remain in force for several years. The guidelines will, however, be updated regularly to reflect the current situation in a constantly changing world of communication.

The communication policy became effective on 16 September 2010, and the Office for Policy and Communication is collaborating with the departments on its implementation. To this end, the Office for Policy and Communication will be happy to present the policy at the departments and answer any questions.

Guidelines exist for …

  • Good communication at DTU
  • DTU’s own communication channels
  • News and press releases
  • Press policy
  • Design guide
  • Handling the press and media monitoring
  • Division of labour in relation to DTU’s communication activities

All guidelines can be found at portalen.dtu.dk/kommunikation

Any comments on the guidelines are very welcome – please send them to Marie Dinesen, mardi@adm.dtu.dk.