Photo: Mikal Schlosser

New Nordic network for artificial intelligence

The five Nordic technical universities in Nordic Five Tech aim to make Scandinavia a global hub for research, education, and innovation within the field of artificial intelligence.

Nordic Five Tech, the alliance of leading technical universities in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, just launched the Nordic AI network. The network will gather and utilize the leading expertise within the field of artificial intelligence with the aim of making the region a global hub for the field.

“AI will change the world, and Scandinavia must take part in this huge shift. Bringing together expert knowledge from all the Nordic countries under a single umbrella through the Nordic AI network is a crucial step towards making Scandinavia a global hub for artificial intelligence. So we’re very pleased that we can now begin joint activities,” says Ilkka Niemelä, President of Aalto University in Finland.

“The Nordic Five Tech alliance has very strong AI research groups. We’re in a good position to use AI for the benefit of society, partly because it’s part of our mission as technical universities, and partly because of our shared culture for collaborating with both the business sector and the public sector. Together, our alliance is stronger than each individual university within it, and we can share our best practice in relation to both research and education, for the benefit of everyone in Scandinavia,” says DTU President Anders Bjarklev.

The Nordic AI network was launched at Nordic Five Tech’s annual Rectors’ Meeting.

Nordic Five Tech

Nordic Five Tech is an alliance between DTU, Aalto University in Finland, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim.

Each university is home to research institutes and centres dedicated to AI.