Postdoc Sara Shafiee from
DTU Mechanical Engineering receives the Alexander Foss MADE Award 2017.
As an industrial PhD at Haldor Topsøe, Sara Shafiee has conducted research into how the development of new products can be cheaper, simpler, and faster by using product configurators in the early sales and development work in the companies.
The Alexander Foss MADE Award is sponsored by the Alexander Foss' Industrial Fund and awarded a PhD or postdoc, who in her/his research has produced results with an extraordinary potential to solve specific challenges in the Danish manufacturing industry.
The award comes with a travel grant of DKK 70,000, a diploma, and a work of art.
Sara Shafiee's research addresses a challenge that many Danish production companies are facing. In her project, she has managed to gain a detailed insight into Haldor Topsøe’s complex processes and products and has addressed this in her research.
MADE (Manufacturing Academy of Denmark) is a platform for applied research, development, and innovation in Danish manufacturing companies. Launched in 2014, the award is presented to a PhD student or Postdoc working with one of the five Danish universities (DTU, AAU, AU, CBS, and SDU) in MADE.

Postdoc Sara Shafiee and Professor Niels Henrik Mortensen. Photos: MADE.