As of 1 January 2015, Christine Nelleman is the new Director of
DTU Food. For the past three months she has been Acting Director of the institute.
"Christine Nelleman is a skilled communicator. Her years of experience at DTU Food have given her great insight into the ins and outs of the institute and the extensive collaboration with external partners. I am delighted that she has agreed to take on the task," says President Anders Bjarklev.
The new Director has a degree in human biology, a PhD from the University of Copenhagen, and an MBA from DTU Business. She has been at DTU Food for more than 15 years—as a Postdoc, a senior researcher, Head of Research, and Head of the division for Toxicology and Risk Assessment.
Christine Nelleman on her new role:
"I gladly accepted the invitation to become Director of DTU Food. This is a great institute that makes a difference by producing knowledge and technological solutions to a number of major societal challenges. Knowledge and solutions that prevent lifestyle diseases and promote health makes it possible to feed the world's growing population and to develop sustainable food. The institute's work makes a lot of sense.”
Christine Nellemann is also Chair of "Environmental Pollutants" in the Swedish Strategic Research, FORMA, and Chair of the Danish 3R-Center, which focuses on developing alternatives to animal testing.