The spin-out from DTU—Klenergy—won the National Startup Competition in this year’s Venture Cup. Klenergy has developed a battery which can store electricity from renewable energy sources.
Klenergy won the competition in which seven selected teams from Denmark’s universities fought to become startup of the year at the Venture Cup. Klenergy is based on an idea conceived by DTU graduate Markos Romanos of ensuring efficient storage of electricity from wind turbines and solar cells in a battery. This is done using electrocatalysis where water is split into hydrogen, and the hydrogen can be converted into electricity again through the use of fuel cells.
The jury of business people at the competition said, among other things, the following about the winner:
“The team has created an innovative product which can solve a growing problem.”
In addition to the honour itself and a cash prize, Klenergy can look forward to a trip to Silicon Valley where they, among other things, will be meeting Innovation Centre Denmark.
“This will bring us one step closer to our goal. Participating in this competition has been a great experience, and we hope to make a lot of new, good contacts during our visit to Silicon Valley,” says Markos Romanos.
DTU spin-out won subcategory
Another DTU spin-out won the ‘Mobile & Web, Active Stage’ category in the competition. This concerned the spin-out Art Stream, which plans to bring art into hospital wards through an online service that can be connected to screens and show anything from art to personal photos. When this service is connected to a TV screen in a ward, the patient can choose either to see pictures or videos from a large database or personal photos. With a monthly subscription, the screen can be updated as often as you like.
The Art Stream team consists of five students who have developed their business idea on the ‘Innovation and product development’ course offered by DTU Mechanical Engineering.
A total of 23 teams participated in the National Startup Competition at this year’s Venture Cup in five different categories. Eight of the teams were from DTU.