New Solar Energy study programme

Energy technology Solar energy
DTU students can now choose to specialize in Solar Energy.

In autumn 2018, DTU became the first Danish university to open up a study programme on solar energy.

The study programme can be chosen by MSc Eng students in the Sustainable Energy programme and has been created because the solar energy industry has requested more engineers with a specialized knowledge of solar energy.

“Solar energy is expected to play an increasingly important role globally over the coming decades. The new study programme will contribute to ensuring a highly qualified workforce for the solar energy sector, so that Denmark will have new, innovative companies that utilize the international solar energy boom. This could lead to new jobs in Denmark and an increase in exports,” says Study Programme Coordinator Sune Thorsteinsson, DTU Fotonik.

First graduates ready in 2020
The new study programme is a collaboration between the specialties of five DTU departments, which will ensure that the new graduates will gain a solid understanding of the individual components of an energy system based on solar power.

It takes time before a new study programme becomes well known. However, the number of applicants for the first year was almost as great as for the biggest specialization within Sustainable Energy MSc programme, which is Wind Energy.

Denmark’s first MSc engineers specializing in Solar Energy will graduate in 2020.

Solar energy theme:

 Photo: Colourbox  


Here comes the sun

 Photo: Jesper Scheel  


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 Photo: Büro Jantzen  


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 Photo: Solar DTU  


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 Photo: Büro Jantzen  


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 Photo: Mathilde Brix Pedersen  


Solar cells can pave the way to prosperity in Africa

 Photo: Torben Nielsen  


The birthplace of tomorrow’s energy system