Fabian Bühler from DTU Mechanical Engineering received the PhD Dissertation of the Year Award at the annual PhD reception. Five other PhD graduates and the PhD Supervisor of the Year were also celebrated at the event.
Dean Philip Binning hosted the celebration of 156 new PhD graduates from DTU on Friday, 22 November. During the afternoon, he awarded prizes for the PhD Dissertation of the Year, the PhD Supervisor of the Year, and five Young Researchers Awards.
The PhD Dissertation of the Year Award went to Fabian Bühler, who wrote his dissertation at DTU Mechanical Engineering. In his work, he focused on how to minimize the climate impact of industrial production processes.
As part of his dissertation, Fabian Bühler developed advanced methods for improving the energy efficiency of industrial processes and for increasing the use of excess heat in the district heating system.
“Work on the dissertation involved more than 20 students who had Fabian Bühler as supervisor for their MSc thesis. All in all, his PhD dissertation is extremely worthy of the title as PhD Dissertation of the Year,” Philip Binning said in his motivation speech.
PhD Supervisor of the Year
Every year, PhD candidates can nominate their supervisor for the PhD Supervisor of the Year Award. This year the award went to Professor Henrik Bredmose, who conducts research in wave hydrodynamics focusing on structural loads and dynamics in offshore wind turbines at the section for Fluid Mechanics at DTU Wind Energy. He received several nominations for the Supervisor of the Year Award. Among other things, Philip Binning quoted a PhD student for this nomination:
“He is a great inspiration, both scientifically and personally. One can learn a lot from the way he solves technical problems and from his ethical code of conduct.”

Dean Philip Binning (to the right) presented the award PhD Supervisor of the Year Award to Professor Henrik Bredmose.
DTU Young Researcher Award
This prize is awarded to young researchers who have made an extraordinary effort and who have great potential for further development. This year, the prize was awarded to the following five young researchers:
Niccoló Vendramin, DTU Aqua, for afhandlingen ‘Piscine Orthoreovirus. Distribution, characterization and experimental infection in salmonids'
Anders Schlichtkrull, DTU Compute, for afhandlingen 'Formalization of Logic in the Isabelle Proof Assistant'.
Magnus Zingler Stummann, DTU Kemiteknik, for afhandlingen 'Hydrogen Assisted Catalytic Biomass Pyrolysis for Green Fuels'.
Paulo André Gonçalves, DTU Fotonik, for afhandlingen 'Plasmonics and Light-Matter Interactions in Two-dimensional Materials and Metal Nanostructures: Classical and Quantum Considerations'.
Sheng Wang, DTU Miljø, for afhandlingen 'Hyperspatial Mapping of Land Surface Water, Energy and CO2 Fluxes from Unmanned Aerial Systems'.

Four recipients of the Young Researcher Award (from the left): Paulo André Dias Gonçalves, Magnus Stummann, Anders Schlichtkrull and Niccolo Vendramin.