Solar energy theme: Here comes the sun

Energy technology Solar energy
Solar energy has been gaining ground in recent years.

In December 2016, the US financial media Bloomberg noted that—for the first time ever—solar power was now being produced cheaper than wind power.

Currently, solar power only constitutes about two per cent of global electricity production, but the International Energy Agency (IEA) expects that solar cells will increase their market share in coming years and will play an increasingly important role in electricity production.

The power of the Sun is also used for heating, an area where Denmark is a world leader.

The IEA predicts that the demand for solar heating will also continue to rise. DTU researchers are working to find solutions that utilize the power of the Sun more efficiently.

And perhaps more importantly: They are also developing the smart energy system which uses solar power and will do so increasingly.

Read about some of DTU’s solar energy projects in the theme articles.

Solar energy theme:

 Photo: Jesper Scheel  


Tandem solar cells must be efficient and sustainable

 Photo: Büro Jantzen  


Advanced drones chasing defective solar cells

 Photo: Zac Durant on Unsplash  


New Solar Energy study programme

 Photo: Solar DTU  


Solar DTU is the way to collaboration

 Photo: Büro Jantzen  


Denmark at global front within solar heating

 Photo: Mathilde Brix Pedersen  


Solar cells can pave the way to prosperity in Africa

 Photo: Torben Nielsen  


The birthplace of tomorrow’s energy system