DTU Skylab is DTU's hub for student innovation. Photo: Stamers Kontor.

EuroTech universities among the most innovative in Europe

Along with its partners in the EuroTech alliance of technical universities, DTU is among the twenty most innovative universities in Europe.

The Euro Tech Universities is an alliance of four leading technical universities in Europe: DTU, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU / e), and the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

Technical universities and colleges dominate Reuters’ first-ever ranking of Europe’s top 100 innovative universities, a list that identifies the educational institutions that are doing the most to advance science, invent new technologies, and help drive the global economy.

In the recently published ranking "Top 100 Most Innovative European Universities", DTU ranks as no. 12, while EPFL is no. 4, TU Munich is no. 5, and TU / e is no. 16.

The following are the criteria that contributed to the composite score which in turn determined the ranking of the universities according to innovative capacity and achievement:

1. patent volume
2. patent success
3. global patents
4. patent citations
5. patent citation impact
6. per cent of patents cited
7. patent to article citation impact
8. industry article citation impact
9. per cent of industry collaborative articles
10. total web of science core collection papers.

Link to the complete ranking.