EliteForsk Award for DTU researcher

Electrotechnology Wind energy

Associate Professor Mads Brandbyge from DTU Nanotech has just received one of this year's five EliteForsk Awards presented by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science to reward and draw attention to the work of some of most talented researchers in Denmark.
Over the past 20 years, Mads Brandbyge has conducted research into the design of nanoelectronics.

"The EliteForsk Award is one of the most significant marks of quality that young researchers can achieve in Denmark. The award is an acknowledgement of their exceptional talent and great effort. All five recipients are distinguished representatives of Danish research and testify to the fact that we are among the best when talent is combined with ambition and dedication. I look forward to following their work in the future," says the newly appointed Minister for Higher Education and Science, Sofie Carsen Nielsen.

At the EliteForsk 2014 award ceremony, the Minister for Higher Education and Science also presented 20 EliteForsk travel scholarships of DKK 300,000 to talented PhD students, of which five are from DTU: 

  • Federica Bianchi
    PhD Student
    Oticon Center of Excellence for Hearing and Speech Sciences (CHeSS), DTU, Department of Electrical Engineering
    Read more about Federica Bianchi's research 
  • Emmanuel Branlard
    PhD Student, Master of Wind Energy, Master of Aerospace
    DTU, Department of Wind Energy
  • Thomas Lehrmann Christiansen
    PhD Student, MSc in Engineering
    DTU, Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology
  • Dennis Valbjørn Christensen
    PHD student, MSc in Engineering
    DTU, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage
  • Pernille Klarskov Pedersen
    PhD student, Master of Science and Technology
    DTU, Department of Photonics Engineering
    Read more about Pernille Klarskov Pedersen's research
    Or watch this video fra IDA TV.

The travel scholarships allow young researchers to attend some of the world's leading international universities within their respective areas of research for shorter or longer periods of time.