The European alliance of technical universities, EuroTech, launches a postdoc programme, which strengthens collaboration between leading research environments in Europe.
The EuroTech Universities alliance of four elite technical universities has just launched the EuroTech COFUND Postdoc programme. The programme enables the four universities to employ 80 young researchers in two-year postdoctoral positions at DTU, TUM, TU/e, or EPFL.
Mobility ensures knowledge dissemination
Each candidate should apply directly to the programme, and it is a special requirement that within the past three years, the candidate has not worked or stayed for more than 12 months in the country where he/she now seeks employment. In addition, the proposed research projects must include mandatory collaboration with one of the other three universities in the EuroTech alliance; further, it is encouraged to include a 3rd industrial partner in the project.
These requirement are includes to accelerate the cooperation between research environments at the four universities in the alliance, and support the exchange of knowledge and ideas both between the universities, but also with the business community.
The EuroTech COFOUND Postdoc programme boosts the careers of young researchers by giving them access to the EuroTech universities' leading research environments, infrastructure, and networks. The programme will also strengthen the strategic cooperation across the universities.
Read more about EuroTechPostdoc programme and application deadlines here.