DTU Compute, Lyngby Campus

Big Data centre

Data analysis Cyber security

The new centre, Big Data•DTU, is designed to boost research and education within the field of Big Data. 

By Karin Rauch

The centre is a follow-up to the recommendations of a recent report ‘Big Data from farm to fork’ (Big Data fra jord til bord), published by DTU, SEGES/Danish Agriculture & Food Council, and DI Digital.

“By establishing this centre, we hope to deploy research into Big Data at DTU and to help develop and maintain a strong selection of courses in the area. The intention is to equip future students to better employ and develop new Big Data tools such as sensors, analysis models, and visualizations that will benefit not only the food industry, but also other sectors such as transport and energy,” explains Professor Jan Madsen, Deputy Head of Department at DTU Compute

DTU Compute’s partners in the centre include DTU Food, DTU Vet, and DTU Management Engineering.

The new centre will:

  • Establish an offer for DTU as a whole that can be used to support ongoing and planned Data Science research projects throughout DTU.
  • Create and maintain Data Science courses offered to students as well as supplementary training activities, for example those aimed at the business community.
  • Make a wide range of Data Science/Big Data services available.
  • Help influence the research agenda and research priorities with a Danish perspective in the area of Big Data, for example in an EU context, including Horizon 2020.