Photo: Caroline Jakobsen
Photo: Caroline Jakobsen
Photo: Caroline Jakobsen

Welcome to 469 new MSc students

On an evening in early March, the many new MSc students who embarked on their study programme on 1 February were officially welcomed to the next stage of their education with a dinner, speeches, and entertainment.

Willkommen! Each semester, DTU holds a welcome reception for the new MSc students, welcoming them to a new chapter in their studies. This spring semester was no exception. All 469 new MSc students, of whom approximately 112 were international students, were invited to a celebratory dinner with free beer, speeches, and song.

The welcome receptions always have a national theme which alternates between each of the 50 nationalities represented on DTU’s MSc programmes. This year’s theme was Austria, clearly highlighted by the country’s flag, beer, and the Austrian Alps on a big screen. The focus of the evening was socialization and networking.

“Do talk to your fellow students, and do network,” said senior Vice President, Dean of Graduate Studies and International Affairs at DTU, Martin Bendsøe, in his welcoming speech. “It will make your studies here easier.”

In addition to Martin Bendsøe, President of Polyteknisk Forening (PF student association) Sebastian Molbech Hansen addressed the new MSc students, inviting them to join PF’s ranks. The Austrian MSc student, Verena Volf, introduced the evening’s theme, and the DTU choir performed two songs while the students enjoyed an Austrian dinner consisting of Tafelspitz, Semmelknödel, Wirsing in Pilzsauce—Austrian veal on Semmelknödel (bread, herbs, bacon and potatoes), mushroom sauce, and savoy cabbage.

Visit from student organizations
The students were also given the opportunity to learn more about the many student clubs and organizations they can join at DTU. Among others, Polyteknisk Forening, IAESTE (the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience), ESN (Erasmus Student Network), DSE (Students’ Business Relation), and BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) had set up information kiosks where they informed the students about their at DTU.