Two entrepreneurs have discovered a technology with the capacity to ensure, for example, that babies are given formula at exactly the right temperature
The challenges associated with making sure the formula was at precisely the right temperature for the latest addition to the family led Henrik Schneider and his friend and colleague Kristian Lindberg-Poulsen—both from DTU Electrical Engineering—to develop a thermometer technology for microwave ovens.
The new technology makes it possible to measure the temperature of the liquid in the microwave and is powered directly by the energy of the oven itself.
Early this year, electronic engineers Henrik Schneider and Kristian Lindberg-Poulsen were awarded financing from DTU’s Proof of Concept (PoC) fund—which is used to support technology-based start-ups—and this enabled them to devote all their time and energy to commercializing their idea. Participation in the Danish Tech Challenge from August 2016 onwards constitutes an important step for the upcoming spin-out, which has been named Senserna. It is time to convert the original idea into a business.
“We’re delighted to have been selected as one of the 20 companies that will be participating in the Danish Tech Challenge over the coming four months. This will allow us to work on our business model, for example, and we’ll have the chance to present our innovative product to potential investors. Of course, we’re also keen to win the competition and the DKK 500,000 prize, because the next major challenge facing us is to raise the finances we need to drive our business forward,” relates Kristian Lindberg-Poulsen.
8 out of 10 use the microwave
Senserna’s first product will be a thermometer designed to help people warm baby bottles quickly, easily—and safely. More than 80 per cent of new parents heat baby bottles in the microwave; in fact, some actually buy a microwave specifically for the purpose. The temperature of milk given to babies is crucial, because overheating the milk risks destroying the nutritional content and, of course, may burn the baby’s mouth.
It is hoped that the first Senserna baby bottle thermometers will be available for purchase towards the end of 2017. Before the company reaches that point, however, it needs to raise funds to complete the next phases.
“The technology is in place, but we now need to develop and design the product with regard to choice of material, shape and so on.In addition, we want to have the intended users test it from both technical and practical perspectives. To date, we have been in touch with 30 new parents and participated in a number of young mothers’ groups,” relates Henrik Schneider.
The two founders envisage covering some of their financing requirements through crowdfunding, but this will not be relevant until the product is ready to launch. They therefore hope that potential investors will notice their brilliant invention during the Danish Tech Challenge competition, where they will also be more than interested in input from experienced entrepreneurs and consultants.
“We’ve worked hard to make it this far, and we have several other innovative ideas on the back burner, based on the same technology. So we’re ready and waiting to get the ball rolling,” concludes Kristian Lindberg-Poulsen.