The aim of The VILLUM FOUNDATION´s Young Investigator Programme is to support especially talented young Danish researchers in science and technology with ambitions of establishing their own, independent research profiles.
The VILLUM FOUNDATION has granted between DKK 1.9 and 7 million to 20 young researchers from DTU, the University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, the University of Southern Denmark, Roskilde University, and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland.
Five of the recipients come from DTU:
Mikael Rørdam Andersen
DTU Systems Biology
DKK 6,9 million
"Identifying the genetic basis for eukaryotic speciation and genus formation using a unique high resolution DNA-compendium"
Stephan Sylvest Keller
DTU Nanotech
DKK 7 million
"Intelligente 3D cell scaffolds for environmental applications"
More information on Stephan and his research
Elizaveta Semenova
DTU Fotonik
DKK 7 million
"QUantum dot Energy level Engineering for laser applicatioNs on InP and Si platforms (QUEENs)"
More information on Elizaveta and her research
Kim Lau Nielsen
DTU Mechanical Engineering
DKK 1.9 million
"A new phenomenon Yet to be resolved in ductile PLATE tearing (AnyPLATE)"