
Alexandre De Lemos Pereira

Senior Development Engineer

Alexandre De Lemos Pereira

Department of Wind and Energy Systems

DTU Vindenergi RAM, DTU Wind Energy Systems Division (WES)

Frederiksborgvej 399

Building 125 Room 118

4000 Roskilde




Wind Power Hybrid Power Plants Wind Turbines Wind resource assessment Wind farms

Specialist in wind energy, has worked as consultant, researcher, and teacher for over 30 years. Mechanical engineer with a PhD in wind energy from the Technical University of Denmark – DTU, participated in the creation and coordination of the Brazilian Wind Energy Center in Brazil. Work experience in several fields of wind technology from jobs as independent consultant in international wind resource and wind energy capacity building projects, and as operations manager for renewables and Brazil Site Leader for the international consultancies DNV (2 years) and UL (7 years), and as teacher/researcher/lecturer in wind energy in the Brazilian universities UFPE, USP, and PUCRS. Currently, as senior development engineer, involved in the development and application of DTU Wind tools for planning, energy assessment and feasibility of wind power projects