
Annette Petersen

Senior adviser

Annette Petersen

DTU National Food Institute

Research Group for Chemical Risk Assessment and GMO

Henrik Dams Allé

Building 201 Room 028

2800 Kgs. Lyngby



Annette Petersen


Intake calculations Risk assessment MRL setting for pesticides

I do scientific based advising to primarily the National Food Administration and Danish Environmental Protection Agency. This work is done primarily within pesticides and MRL setting. The work includes evaluation of data, and evaluation of exceed of the MRLs found in the Danish control. An important part of the work is the risk assessment of the MRLs that is performed by EFSA with the help of the Member States. In the risk assessment is included an intake calculation and the intake is compared with the ADI/ARfD. I therefore have a great knowledge and experience in performing intake calculations not only for pesticides but also for other substances as mycotoxins and PAHs. Normally the intake is calculated by deterministic methods but my work also includes research with probabilistic modelling. I participate in EU-research projects where the probabilistic models are used (SAFEFODS and BENERIS). Another research area is development of models for the cumulative intake e.g. for endocrine disruptors. I participate in a Danish research programme with pesticides acting as endocrine disruptors. Today there is no common agreement on how to perform cumulative intake calculations.