
Mette Lange

Senior Executive Officer

Mette Lange

Office for Research, Advice and Innovation

Anker Engelunds Vej

Building 101 Room 4.109A

2800 Kgs. Lyngby



Research Support DTU ERC Innovationsfonden Research Fundraising Danish Foundations Funding and applications Research Administration

Pre-award support for ERC as well as Danish foundations. Mette Lange is Senior Research Officer with a background in research, doing basic research in plant molecular biology and fungal biotechnology. Mette has been working in the DTU Research Support Team in the Research Office since January 2018. Before this she was working as Research Advisor for fundraising at DTU Chemistry (2013 – 2016) and as Advisor to the Rector and Prorector at the University of Roskilde (2016 -2017) on Danish research politics, strategy, financing and for building in house competences at RUC for their research support.  In addition Mette is focused on creating optimal processes for research project coordination and managing from both the administrative and researcher side. Employments: 2018 - Senior Research Officer, DTU, Office for Research and Relations 2016 – 2017    Senior Research Officer, RUC, Rectors office (research politic advisor and 2013 – 2016  Senior Research Officer, DTU Chemistry, pre-award and post-award assistance for research applications to national and international funds. 2009 – 2013    Postdoc, Aalborg University Cph, fungal biotechnology 2006 – 2009    Postdoc, Aarhus University, Flakkebjerg, barley storage proteins 2006                PhD (Barley Storage Proteins)