Gürkan Sin
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Søltofts Plads
Building 227 Room 228
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Monte Carlo Simulations Global Sensitivity Analysis Life science industries: water, biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals Machine learning/AI Process design and control Process modeling & simulation Process systems engineering (PSE) Optimization under uncertainty
The primary scope of the research is process innovation and design in chemical and processing industries. Process design is by nature interdisciplinary and requires use and synthesis of wider spectrum of chemical engineering knowledge (material/energy balances, separations, reaction kinetics, reactor design, etc) and data sources (laboratory/pilot or full scale), process synthesis and process simulators (modeling, simulation, databases, information technology), applied mathematics (process and property models, simulation, optimization,) and applied statistics (uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, parameter estimation, quantitaitve risk analysis), environmental and process safety analysis. The generic process design tools are then developed and applied to various industrial applications to identify novel and cost-competitive process solutions to wastewater treatment, biorefinery, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals industries.