
Palle Jeppesen

Professor emeritus, Dr. Techn.; EU-projektrådgiver

Palle Jeppesen

Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering

Ørsteds Plads

Building 343 Room 120

2800 Kgs. Lyngby





Palle Jeppesen (M’69) was born in 1941 in Vordingborg, Denmark. He is an electrical engineer (MSc in electrophysics), graduated from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), January 1967. In addition he received the Lic. techn. (PhD) degree   in microwave solid state devices in 1970 and the Dr. techn. (DSc) degree in microwave solid state devices in 1978 from this University. In 1967 he was a licentiate (PhD) student at Electromagnetics Institute (EMI), Technical University of Denmark. From 1968 to 1969, he continued his PhD study as Research Associate at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, and from 1969 to 1970 as Project Engineer at Cayuga Associates, Ithaca, NY; at both places he did research in the field of GaAs Gunn effect microwave oscillators. In 1970 he completed his PhD study at EMI. He continued at this Institute as Assistant Professor from 1970 to 1972 and Associate Professor from 1972 to 1984. In 1974 he changed subject from microwave electronics to optical communication. In 1984 he was appointed Research Professor for 1984 to1989 as one of the first ten Research Professors in Denmark. He has been a Full Professor from 1984-2012. At EMI, he was Head of Optogroup from 1974 to1988 and Head of Center for Broadband Telecommunications from 1988 to 1998. From 1982 to 1984, he also worked as part time Manager of R&D at NKT Electronik. From 1998-2008 he was Head of Systems Competence Area at Research Center COM. From 2008 he has been EU project Adviser at DTU Fotonik (formerly Research Center COM) and from 2012 Professor Emeritus. From 1995 to 1998, he coordinated the participation of Technical University of Denmark in the EU ACTS project METON (METropolitan Optical Network) and he followed his co-workers contributions to the four EU IST projects METEOR (MEtropolitan TErabit Optical Ring), STOLAS (Switching Technologies for Optically Labeled Signals), TOPRATE (Terabit/s Optical Transmission Systems based on Ultra-High Channel Bitrate) and LASAGNE (All-optical Label Swapping Employing Optical Logic Gates in Network Nodes). He has been Chairman of the Danish Defense Research Council, member of NATO Research and Technology Board and NATO Science Committee. He has also been a member of the Danish Technical Research Council, the boards of TERMA Elektronik, Kryolitselskabet Øresund, Telecom Danmark and DELTA (Danish Electronics, Light & Acoustics) and the Scientific Council for the Danish National Encyclopedia. He has served many times at the technical program committees for the American conferences Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) and Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and for the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC). He was Conference Chairman for ECOC 1981 and again for ECOC 2002, both in Copenhagen .He has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Virtual Photonics Incorporated (VPI) from 1997-2002, the DTU Board for the Gold Medal Fund for Alexander Foss, G.A. Hagemann and Julius Thomsen gold medals from 2003-2012, the Swedish Research Council 2003-2004, DTU's Research committee 2005-2008, the Evaluation Committee for Electronic Systems and Photonics, Sweden 2007-2008, the peer review panel PE7 Systems and Communication Engineering under the European Research Council (ERC) 2008-2009, Chairman 2009-2011, Rektor’s review panel at DTU 2010-2012, Chairman for electrical engineering programmes evaluation in Lithuania 2012-2013, Chairman for panel for UCD Energy 21 Marie Curie Cofund Postdoc Fellowship Programme, University College Dublin, Ireland 2014, advisor for DTU applicants to European Research Council 2010-. He has been a member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences since 1978. He has educated more than 80 PhDs. His current research interests are optical signal processing, optical multi-level modulation formats and Terabit/s optical communication. He has received P. Gorm Petersens Memorial Stipend in 1974, the Esso Prize in 1978, prize from Reinholdt W. Jorck og Hustrus Fond in 1987, the Villum Kann Rasmussen Prize in 1988, the Alexander Foss Gold Medal in 2005 and he was appointed a Knight of the Dannebrogorden in 2009.