Lars Jelsbak
Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine
Søltofts Plads
Building 221 Room 260
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Plant beneficial microbes Microbial secondary metabolites Microbiome engineering Bacterial physiology and ecology Genetic engineering of bacteria Microbial interactions Microbe-host interactions
Our research is focused on plant beneficial microbes and microbiomes with the aim of finding ´microbial solutions´ that support plant health. Key areas include microbe/microbiome engineering, secondary metabolite production and signaling in soil/rhizosphere microbiomes and how these processes relate to expression and control of plant beneficial activities. Our goal is to contribute to a reduction in the use of agrochemicals in agriculture. In addition, we work on antibiotic resistant, epidemic “high-risk clones” of the hospital pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We work to determine and target the molecular mechanisms underlying the evolution and success of these clones.