
Poul G. Hjorth

Associate Professor

Poul G. Hjorth

Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Asmussens Allé

Building 303B Room 012

2800 Kgs. Lyngby




Poul G. Hjorth


Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Modelling, Industrial Applied Mathematics

Poul G. Hjorth (b. 1955) Associate Professor, Ph.D., cand.scient in mathematics from University of Copenhagen 1982, Ph.D.mathematical physics from University of California San Diego 1988. Postdoc at Institute of Nonlinear Science, University of California San Diego 1989; Assistant professor at DTU 1990, and associate professor in Applied Mathematics from 1994 at DTU Mathematics, (now DTU Compute). Visiting full professor 2004 at Mærsk McKinney Department  of  Produktion Technology at University of Southern Denmark. Research visits at the Weizmann Institute, the Mittag Leffler Institute and Imperial College, London. Has been secretary and co-chair of the Danish MAthematical Society, and is now Editor of the Danish Mathematical Society Newsletter Matilde. Editor at the Fields Instituttets journal Mathematics in Industry Case Studies. Executive Director for European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI). Interested in the dissimination of Mathematics (DTU Teaching Award 2010), the culture of Mathematics, and Mathematics in culture. In his research he has touched a large range of subjects in mathematical physics, classical mechanics, dynamical systems and geometry, in particular in applications of mathematics to real-world industrial problems, organization of annual workshops between mathematics and industry, the European Study Groups with Industry (ESGI) in Denmark.  See at right link to homepage.