
Philip Loldrup Fosbøl


Philip Loldrup Fosbøl

Institut for Kemiteknik


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2800 Kgs. Lyngby




Philip Loldrup Fosbøl


Termodynamik og faseligevægte Biogas Rensning CO2 udskillelse og CO2 lagning Energibesparelser Elektrolytters egenskaber CO2 transport Flowsheet Design, Simulering og Optimering Kuldioxid korrosion Mobile pilotanlæg

Participating as faculty at the Department of Chemical Engineering (KT - building 229) at CERE (Center for Energy Resources Engineering). Typical projects work involves CO2 also known as carbon dioxide. Please have a look at the DTU Chemical Engineering job site for open PhD and Post Doc positions. You can follow me in these on-line/social media platforms: X and Twitter/fosboel ResearchGate Fosboel Fosbol ORCID Fosbøl Scopus Thomson Fosbøl ResearcherID LinkedIn Fosbøl Google Scholar Fosbøl CO2 is a greenhouse gas. There is a great need to reduce its presence, emission, and production. The use, storage, and transport of CO2 creates a number of interesting process challenges.   My work entails:CO2 absorption for emissions reduction. Energy optimal solvent based CO2 desorption in relation to reboiling in stripping or rectificationCO2 corrosion in energy production and transport in flow assuranceCO2 compression with impurities focusLarge scale pilots for CO2 capture and utilization This is performed in close contact to Kaj Thomsen, Nicolas von Solms, Georgios Kontogeorgis, Ida Fabricius, Alexander Shapiro, and Erling H. Stenby. The research topics are mathematical models forProcess design, simulation, validation, and optimisation with respect to process flow sheetsProperties of salt solutions and aqueous electrolytes precipitationExperimental method development and pilot facilitiesPredictive thermodynamic models on a basis of the above Laboratory measurements ofThermodynamic equilibrium VLE, SLE, heat capacity, and heat of absorption by DSCPhysico-chemical properties like density, viscosity, surface tension etc.Corrosion related issues like protective scalesCO2 storage and core flooding  Industrial funded projects in collaboration withØrstedTotalPentair Union EngineeringAmmongasShellEquinorNovozymesGASSNOVAENELE-OnElplatekRWENTNU, SINTEF, TNO, IFP, TUHHFORCE, DGC, DTIGEOGEUSBWSC Active participation in the formulation, creation, and fulfilment of the EU projectsConsenCUS3D in DunkirkINTERACTCASTOR (as observer in colaboration with Ørsted)EU FP7 CLEO/CESAREU FP7 iCapEU FP7 OCTAVIUSNøgleordBiogas CleaningCarbon Dioxide Capture and StorageCCSCO2 CorrosionCO2 TransportEnergy ReductionFlow sheet design, simulation, and optimisationProperties of ElectrolytesThermodynamics and Phase EquilibriumLarge scale pilot for CO2 capture and utilization Jeg er ansat ved Institut for Kemi Teknik (KT - bygning 229) i gruppen CERE (Center for Energy Resources Engineering)  og arbejder med processor som involverer CO2 (kuldioxid). CO2 er en drivhusgas som man ønsker at mindske tilstedeværelsen af. Det har nogle produktionsmæssige udfordringer, som gør at man typisk bør være på vagt når det transporteres, lagres og bruges etc. Mit arbejde vedrører:CO2 absorption i forbindelse med reduktion af drivhusgasserCO2 desorption herunder stripning og rektifikation i forbindelse med energi optimal solvent udnyttelseCO2 korrosion i energi produktion og energi transport