User Experience / Mobile Health / Personal Informatics - Focus area


Focus Area: User Experience / Mobile Health / Personal Informatics

"User Experience / Mobile Health / Personal Informatics" is focused in general on agile prototyping of novel types of interfaces supporting the interaction between people and software, based on human centred design and with elements of cognitive modeling. This may more specifically, but is not limited to, be focused towards applications in digital and mobile health, or it may involve individuals applying empirical methods and active/passive sensing, allowing them to observe phenomena of personal relevance with the aim to explore personal questions, to reason and learn from personal data with consequential benefits for daily living, quality of life, and well-being.

It is suggested that students pick courses from the following list, while observing the overall requirements for the programme. Please note that students that have previously had one or several of the General Competence courses mentioned below are free to choose either other General Compentence or Technology Specialisation courses, following the rules described in the section "Students who have completed MSc courses on their Beng or BSc programme".

Mandatory courses:

The following courses are mandatory:

02450 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining 5 point Spring F4A (Tues 13-17), Autumn E4A (Tues 13-17)
02809 UX Design Prototyping 5 point Autumn E1A (Mon 8-12)
42500 Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point January
42504 Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point August
42501 Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point June

Core courses

The following courses are considered core for the focus area:

02238 Biometric Systems 5 point June
02266 User Experience Engineering 5 point January
02458 Cognitive Modelling 5 point Autumn E2B (Thurs 8-12)
02805 Social graphs and interactions 10 point Autumn E5 (Wed 8-17)
02807 Computational Tools for Data Science 5 point E7 (Tues 18-22)
02808 Personal Data Interaction for Mobile and Wearables 10 point Spring F5 (Wed 8-17)
02830 Advanced Project in Digital Media Engineering 10 point Autumn E5B (Wed 13-17)
38110 Staging co-creation and creativity 5 point Autumn E1B (Thurs 13-17)

Addtional courses

Pick additionally among the following courses:

02180 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 5 point Spring F3A (Tues 8-12)
02455 Experiment in Cognitive Science 5 point Autumn E5A (Wed 8-12)
02464 Artificial Intelligence and Human Cognition 5 point Autumn E3A (Tues 8-12)
02471 Machine learning for signal processing 5 point Autumn E1B (Thurs 13-17)
02806 Social data analysis and visualization 5 point Spring F3A (Tues 8-12)
22053 Principles of brain computer interface 5 point January
38103 X-Tech Entrepreneurship 10 point Spring F3 (Tues 8-12, Fri 13-17), Autumn E3 (Tues 8-12, Fri 13-17)