
Sébastien Santurette

Adjungeret Lektor

Sébastien Santurette

Institut for Sundhedsteknologi

Ørsteds Plads

Bygning 352 Rum N/A

2800 Kgs. Lyngby




Audiologi. Høreforskning. Høreteknologi.

I currently work as a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Applied Audiology Research at Oticon A/S and hold an adjunct associate professorship at DTU. My general fields of research are:PsychoacousticsHearing ResearchAuditory PerceptionAudiologyEnvironmental Acoustics My specific research interests include:Hearing loss characterization and compensationPitch and music perception by the normal and impaired human auditory systemBinaural hearing and sound externalizationSpectral and temporal aspects of auditory perceptionNoise annoyance and effects of noise on human health