
Tejs Vegge

Professor, Sektionsleder

Tejs Vegge

Institut for Energikonvertering og -lagring


Bygning 313 Rum 324

2800 Kgs. Lyngby




Tejs Vegge


computational materials design kinetik på atomarskala elektrokemi og -katalyse materialer til energikonvertering og -lagring Materialer til lagring af brint og ammoniak Batterier tæthedsfunktionalteori

Sektionsleder for Autonom Materialeudvikling (AMD) Forskningsområder: Autonom materialeudvikling, integrerede computersimuleringer og eksperimentelt design og karakterisering af nye materialer til energilagring og konvertering:Accelerated computational, experimental and AI-based discovery of clean energy materialsAutonomous discovery of electrode and electrolyte materials for next-generation batteriesMaterials for electrochemical production and solid state storage of hydrogen and ammoniaNanoparticle electrocatalysts for sustainable production of synthetic fuels and chemicals Publikationsliste: se ORCID 0000-0002-1484-0284 eller Research ID A-9419-2011 Større igangværende forskningsprojekter:Pioneer Center “CAPeX: Pioneer Center for Accelerating P2X Materials Discovery” (2023-2036)Independent Research Fund Denmark - Green Transition. DFF-3 “DELIGHT: DEep Learning Green cHemical CaTalysis ” (2021-2024)H2020-LC-BAT-12 “BIG-MAP: Battery Interface Genome – Materials Acceleration Platform” (2020-2023).H2020-LC-BAT-15 “Battery2030Plus” (2020-2023).Novo Nordisk Fonden “SURE: Self-correcting Unsupervised Reaction Energies” (2020-2023)The Villum Foundations – “V-Sustain: The Villum Center for the Science of Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals” (2016-2024)