What can I do with an MSc in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Chemical engineers and bioprocess engineers from the Chemical and Biochemical Engineering MSc Eng programme are key figures in companies involved in the commercial and sustainable chemical or biochemical conversion of raw materials of any kind. Many graduates continue their studies on the PhD programme to pursue a research career.

Typical fields of work

Essential elements in the work of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering graduates in connection with process commercialisation and sustainability are:

  • meeting today's economic and safety requirements
  • fostering future growth with reduced consumption of raw materials and energy
  • preventing adverse environmental impacts from new production facilities at the design stage
  • reducing pollution from existing plants

Solving these tasks requires that scientific and technological knowledge which is the core content of the MSc programme in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering.

Career opportunities

After graduation, you will have the qualifications to engage in research and development work within both academia and industry. Graduates typically find employment with:

  • companies involved in chemical, biotechnological, or pharmaceutical development and production
  • consulting, engineering, and manufacturing companies engaged in technical chemical and biochemical activities
  • companies in the oil and gas sector
  • environmental companies
  • the health sector
  • the public sector

You can improve your career opportunities and aim for specific jobs or sectors by exploiting the wide range of options offered by the programme. Targeting your choice of electives allows qualification for jobs requiring expertise in an additional area, such as finance, management, and organization.

A career in research and development (PhD studies)

If you wish to qualify for management positions in research and development, be it in industry or the university sector, you will need an intensive and solid education as researcher. With an MSc Eng degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, you might be eligible to do a PhD, either an industrial PhD with concurrent employment in a company or a regular PhD. Both are three-year programmes.

The PhD programme at DTU is a research-based programme ranking among the best in the world. As a PhD student, you will be part of a research group and have to carry out an independent scientific project. Further information can be found on DTU's PhD-related pages.