Conditional admission with the possibility of additional study activity

It is possible in some cases to be conditionally admitted even if you lack up to 30 ECTS credits of qualifying courses. The qualifying courses must be completed before you start the MSc Engineering programme at DTU. In addition, you must complete your undergraduate BSc / B.Eng. before you start your MSc Engineering programme. The additional courses are not part of the MSc Engineering programme's total score of 120 ECTS.

This type of conditional admission on the basis of additional study activity is valid for one year only from the time of the admission offer. (e.g. if you have been conditionally admitted for the September 2021 intake, then the additional courses must be completed by September 2022). If you do not pass the courses within one year of the conditional admission offer, DTU will withdraw the conditional admission offer.

International applicants

Non-EU/EEA applicants must study the qualifying courses outside DTU. The courses must be pre-approved by the relevant academic head.

EU/EEA applicants may study the qualifying courses either at DTU's Open University or outside DTU. Please note that tuition fees will be charged for these extra ECTS if you take the courses at DTU. Please refer to DTU's course base to see whether a specific course is taught in English or in Danish. The courses must be pre-approved by the relevant academic head.