Mechanical Engineering (KAIST) - joint international programme
Dual degree Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering with Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).

The standard period of study is four semesters, which corresponds to 120 ECTS, consisting of three semesters of course work, and a master's thesis that is usually written in the fourth semester.
A standard period of two consecutive semesters should be taken at the host institution. For example, this can either be the first and the second semester (master's thesis conducted at the home institution), the second and third semester (master's thesis conducted at the home institution), or the third and fourth semester (master's thesis conducted at the host institution).
KAIST is among the world’s leading research-oriented universities in science and engineering with campus in Daedoek Innopolis, in the city of Daejeon, the heart of Korea’s innovation. Established as a research-oriented university in 1971, KAIST is closely linked to the strong economic development of Korea.
Study abroad
Studying abroad gives you an International perspective, which helps in personal growth. Besides, it is also a great opportunity to create an international network; a chance to explore other ways to apply technology and to experience a different way of teaching /learning.
Dual degree
As a dual degree master's student—one year at DTU and one year at KAIST, Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology—you get a Danish and an International degree, which gives you personal and academic skills and experiences.
In collaboration with KAIST, we offer a dual degree two-year MS or MSc Eng degree from each University. The medium of instruction is English.
Degrees obtained
Upon graduation, the student will be awarded the master’s degrees of each university with a special designation of the dual degree programme i.e. the degrees awarded are:
- MS in Mechanical Engineering from KAIST
- MSc in Mechanical Engineering from DTU
Application deadlines
- 1st of February - for start in the fall semester
- 1st of September - for start in the spring semester*
*Students who started at DTU on 1 September may send the application form by 10 September.
The KAIST-DTU Double Degree Master's program is only open to students, who have been formally admitted to DTU’s regular MSc in Mechanical Engineering programme. Therefore, it is not possible to apply for admission directly to the program. The application form is only accessible with DTU credentials.
How to apply
1) Fill in the application form and submit it.
2) The Office of International Education will forward the application to the Programme Coordinator.
3) The Programme coordinator will consult their counterparts at the partner university and select the most eligible students.
Please note, that the partner university MAY ask for additional documents, before taking a decision.
4) The Programme coordinator will inform DTU International Affairs Office about their decision.
5) The Office of International Education will inform the students and issue Nomination Letters.
- Motivated and dedicated students
- Above average GPA
- Strong English Language skills.
Pre-approval of courses
Courses taken abroad at KAIST must be approved by the DTU professor responsible for the individual Dual Degree programme.
Periods abroad
Students have the possibility of spending one year at KAIST during 3 different periods as indicated below. However, it is strongly recommended that students – especially international students - spend at least their 1st and even 2nd semester of their master studies at DTU in order to get familiar with the university, study program and fellow students.
- Period One: 1st + 2nd semester
- Period Two: 2nd + 3rd semester
- Period Three: 3rd + 4th semester (writing Master Thesis abroad with both KAIST and DTU supervisor – examination at DTU)
The programme requirements consist of four components:
- general competence courses
- specialization courses
- elective courses
- master's thesis
All students must complete a study plan and have it approved by Brian Nyvang Legarth. Any future changes to this plan must also be approved by him.
General Competence Courses and Specialization Courses
For an up-to date list of general competence courses and specialization courses please contact Brian Nyvang Legarth.
Master’s thesis
A master's thesis at KAIST normally accounts for forty (40) ECTS I twelve (12) KAIST credit points. A master's thesis conducted at DTU normally accounts for thirty (30) ECTS, but for KAIST students the thesis may be up to forty (40) ECTS in which case the elective courses component is reduced correspondingly.
Both partner institutions' requirements for the thesis work have to be fulfilled by the individual study plan.
At KAIST, the thesis process normally starts in the 3rd semester and an interim report must be submitted 6 months prior to submission of thesis. At DTU, the master's thesis is usually conducted during the fourth semester of the program. The thesis will be conducted with co-supervision from both institutions.
The thesis supervisor at the institution where the master's thesis work is conducted will act as the main supervisor and will thus have the primary responsibility for the student. Local thesis rules will apply.
It must be written in English. It must be accepted by both advisors, and is concluded by an oral presentation (defense) at the institution where the work has been done.
The subject of the master's thesis has to be approved by both institutions. At DTU, the master's thesis is graded using the 7 grade scale, with the grade appearing on the master's degree diploma. The grade will be determined by the DTU thesis supervisor and an external examiner according to the Danish rules and regulations on examination.
At KAIST pass/not passed is used when evaluating thesis work conducted at KAIST.
KAIST uses a credit transfer system similar to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Three (3) KAIST credits are equivalent to ten (10) DTU ECTS.
Students are required to earn 18 credits from KAIST and 60 ECTS from DTU during their dual degree master's programme.
*Please note: This conversion only applies to dual degree students. If you are attending KAIST on an exchange basis- Please refer to Beyond Borders for exchange conditions
Brian Nyvang Legarth Associate Professor, Dr. techn. Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Phone: +45 45254257