Study Administration at DTU
The Study Administration handles a wide range of administrative tasks concerning your course of study as a BEng, BSc, or MSc student.
The Study Administration can help you with the following:
- Registration in connection with teaching, exams, leave of absence, withdrawal of registration, etc.
- Student card: If you have lost your card, need help ordering one, etc.
- Stamp and signature of transcripts and enrollment confirmations
- Registration of grades
- Questions about reported projects
- Questions about deadlines and credit transfer when you have changed study programme or field of study
- Questions about deadlines and credit transfer when you have been readmitted
- Registration of credit transfer
- Registration of a transitional semester for the MSc programme
- Printing of diplomas
- Verification of old diplomas
Contact the Study Administration
Write to us at
Tel.: +45 45 25 73 00
Telephone inquiries: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 am to 11 am; the 1st Friday of the month, however, from 10 am to 11 am.
There is one overall Study Administration at DTU. The Study Administration has offices on both Lyngby Campus and Ballerup Campus. As a rule, you must contact the Study Administration on your primary campus.
Lyngby Campus
Building 101A
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Personal inquiry: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12 noon-2 pm.
Ballerup Campus
Room D 1.01
Lautrupvang 15
2750 Ballerup
Personal inquiry Monday and Wednesday at 12 noon-2 pm.
Note: The Study Administration is closed on public holidays and in connection with summer, autumn, Christmas, Easter holidays, and 5 June.